Write an Employer review Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bezirksverband Oberbayern e.V.
You have worked in a company, agency or any other organization and now you can - completely anonymously - rate your employer and write a
review. You have the choice between giving only a short job review or writing a detailed report about the employer. You do not have to fill out all the fields. Ensure in each case that you rate the
employer truthfully and fairly .
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Your employer review should be primarily related on the respective department and the location where you have worked. In the first step rate the cohesion among colleagues and the working atmosphere. What is your impression about the cooperation and how do you evaluate the team work? In order to adequately review the employer, next you should rate the personnel work of the supervisor. Does the employer treat his employees fair or are there any tensions between management and the workforce? How can be judged about the top-down communication and what could be improved on the HR management?
Another criterion is the distribution of tasks in the workplace. Does the employer spread the work fairly and considerately on the staff or is the amount of work hard to cope? Also consider the conditions in the workplace and whether a pleasant working is possible. At last think about your employer as a whole. Would you recommend the job in this company? Please give some information about yourself so that others can decide whether they have a comparable attitude and would decide the same way.
Please be careful when you review your employer that the grading system generally ranges from -3 to +3. The note -3 means a negative or poor review of the relevant criterion of the employer, whereas the judgment +3 indicates a very positive and good appreciation. Consider in advance whether a strongly negative review is actually proportionate and reflects the working conditions adequately or realistic. Your opinion may lose the necessary objectivity and representativity, if you rate basically everything in the job and the work negative. So, in order to evaluate and review the job and the employer fair, please think about what you liked and what you disliked, before writing your review. Many thanks.
Submit an Employer Review