Company: Internet: HQ: Street: Industry: Employees: Countries: Locations: Revenue: Founded: | Continentale Lebensversicherun
Munich no information Financial Services unknown no information no information no information no information | |
The Employer Continentale Lebensversicherung AG having its headquarter in Munich is a company of the business Financial Services. Until now 1 reviews where made from its employees. Average value their employment and their jobs as not entirely satisfactory, because some shortcomings are named. At the moment, no further details are to the company. As a representative of Continentale Lebensversicherung AG you may wish to publish a paid company profile and present yourself as an attractive employer to a wide audience by providing more information about your personnel policy, corporate results, locations, training courses, job vacancies and contacts from the personnel department. To use the full range of a targeted employer branding, please get in touch with us.