Company: Internet: HQ: Street: Industry: Employees: Countries: Locations: Revenue: Founded: | ASPECTA Lebensversicherung AG Cologne no information Financial Services persons no information no information no information no information | |
The Employer ASPECTA Lebensversicherung AG having its headquarter in Cologne is a company of the business Financial Services, which employs approx. 1.000 employees. Until now 1 reviews where made from its employees. They rate their work and their job as a whole on average very satisfactory. At the moment, no further details are to the company. As a representative of ASPECTA Lebensversicherung AG you may wish to publish a paid company profile and present yourself as an attractive employer to a wide audience by providing more information about your personnel policy, corporate results, locations, training courses, job vacancies and contacts from the personnel department. To use the full range of a targeted employer branding, please get in touch with us.